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The explore tab is where you can find flying sites, routes, and points of interest. You will also see a map of all sites and routes near your location. A global search is available to quickly search for any explore item. From the explore tab you can also navigate to:

  1. Flying Sites
  2. Routes
  3. Points of Interest
  4. Airspaces

Explore overview

Explore Overview

The explore page shows you a map of all the flying sites, routes, and points of interest near your location. You can tap on any of the items on the map to open up the details page for that item. You can also tap on the search button to open up the global search. We will only show about 30 items on the map at a time. If you want to see more items you need to use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the map.

To see more items on the map or to explore by location you can tap the map to open up the map viewer. The map viewer will show you all the items in the area you are currently viewing. You can tap on any of the items on the map to open up the details page for that item.

You can filter the items you see in the Explore section of Gaggle by tapping:

  1. Public - When this filter item is blue you will see all items that have been shared publicly. When this filter item is grey you will only see items that are marked as private.
  2. Shared with me - When this filter item is blue you will see all items that have been shared with you. When this filter item is grey you will only see items that you have created.